Tuesday, June 30, 2009

rant, rant, rant.

So, I'm in the midst of organizing a charity walk to benefit healthcare and treatment in Africa. It's in association with the 'take the walk' organization (www.takethewalk.net). It's been pretty stressful and caused a few angst filled flip-outs, which of course my friends appreciate oh-so-much. But to be honest, if I didn't struggle with this, I don't think I would learn something from it. It's easy to just send in a check and call it over, but it's another thing to actually put yourself in someone else's shoes. The whole point of helping others is to really, truly and sincerely acknowledge their pain and struggle, so ultimately you can stop taking things for granted....(not saying people who donate money are any less worthy).

Anyways, the charity event is JULY 12Th at 2PM. Signups start at 1:30 at the M.O.S.T. in downtown Syracuse (comment for directions). The walk will start at the M.O.S.T. and end in Clinton Square. It's a one-mile barefoot (optional) walk, that will literally put yourself in other's shoes, which subsequently they have none, hence the whole barefoot thing. For every person who walks, the 'TAKE THE WALK' organization will donate $1 to go towards healthcare and treatment to those less fortunate in Africa. I hope you will consider coming out because it's an AMAZING cause, that will for sure impact not only yourself, but encourage others to step forward and TAKE ACTION.

-Remember, take the time to do something for someone else. One mile today, the world tomorrow.

Keep caring,

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